The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

The Only Way To Say Goodbye …

This week has been a week of pretty heavy posts.

But given the standard I normally write at, this has – if I may say so myself – been pretty good. And hopefully today will top that off, albeit in a pretty emotional and confronting way.

Let’s see …

When I was young, I remember thinking that I never wanted to be with my parents when they died. My belief was the pain of watching them go would be too much for me to deal with. That seeing their final moments would leave an indelible scar on me for the rest of my life.

Thank fuck I came to my senses …

Because while their deaths were – and continue to be – the worst days of my life, I’d have been haunted if I’d not been by their side.

It could have happened.

It could have happened easily given I was living in different countries when they passed.

Australia for Dad. China for Mum.

But for reasons I’ll be eternally grateful for, I was there. With them. Able to tell them how much I loved them, was grateful for them and would do my best to honour them.

Because even though I was drowning in a sea of overwhelming grief as I witnessed them take their final breaths, it was the moment I understood – with absolute certainty and clarity – why I had to be there.

For them. And for me.

A few years before Mum died, her sister-in-law passed away. It was unexpected and she died at home on her own. To be discovered the following day.

Mum was understandably very upset about this. Not just for the loss of a woman she liked very much, but that her final moments had been on her own. That she must have been so scared. So desperate to be surrounded with the people she loved.

One day, while visiting from Shanghai, Mum confessed how she feared this would happen to her. That she’d be alone. I’d never heard her say something like this before and it genuinely haunted me. Not just in that moment, but till the end.

My Mum was an amazing woman. She had endured a huge amount of hardship through her life and all I wanted to do was look after her. But she was also fiercely independent, so it was always hard to get her to accept anything from me. In her mind, I had to focus on my life – not hers – which is why revealing her fear was so heartbreaking.

You see, not only was she acknowledging her own mortality – which was devastating to hear, let alone for her to say – she was admitting there was something I could do for her, even though we both knew it was something that was almost impossible to ensure.

What made this even more emotionally charged is that we both knew that this admission had ‘slipped out’.

Mum spent her life trying to protect me from pain and inconvenience at all costs – from her gentle words to try and coax me out of my delusion that Dad would miraculously get better after his devastating strokes through to me finding notes she’d written prior to death to make sure it was easier for me to handle her affairs – so the pain of hearing her fear was no doubt matched by the pain she felt for causing me sorrow.

She was that sort of person. A wonderful, compassionate and considerate human. A woman who would genuinely give someone her last £1 than keep it herself. Which I admit, annoyed the fuck out of me sometimes. Ha.

And that’s why I’m so grateful I was with her when the worst happened. As I was with Dad. And if you look back to March/April 2015 on this blog, you will read the anguish and pain I went through. But among all the desperation and loss, you’ll also see clues why I was so happy to be there on one of the worst days of my life.

Because while the idea of not having to see your loved one’s die, makes some sort of sense – the reality is quite different.

In fact, I’d go even further.

As bone crushingly devastating saying goodbye to a loved one is, it’s not as agonising as you would feel for not being there.

You see at that point, it’s not about you – but them.

However you feel has to place second-fiddle to their needs and situation.

For them, knowing they’re not alone at their final moments gives them peace. A way to leave with love rather than just fear. It doesn’t matter if they’re conscious not, they know and I can say this with absolute certainty.

As I said at Dad’s funeral, when we arrived to be by his side after an urgent call from the hospital, we found his body in the throes of turning off all the lights. Imagine someone walking around their old house and checking that all the windows were closed, all the lights were off and all the doors were locked. Making sure everything was done before they left for good. That was Dad and his body had almost finished its final check bar one little candle flickering in the night. But the thing was, he wasn’t going to blow that out till we were there … till we could tell him he could go … that we loved him … that we were grateful for all he had done for us … that we knew he loved us.

And when we did that, we watched him metaphorically blow out that final light out without fuss. A dignified, quiet passing, leaving us distraught with the loss but happy we were together.

Which is why I am so glad I came to my senses about not wanting to be there when my parents died. Because if I did that, not only would I have left my parents to experience fear instead of comfort and loneliness instead of love, I would have spent a lifetime trying to come to terms with what I’d done. How in my selfishness, I’d left people I loved – and love – at their most desperate and alone, at a time where they arguably needed me most in their life.

Of course, for some, they don’t have the option to be there.

Sometimes it’s because of circumstance, sometimes because of situation. And to them, I hope they are able to find some sort of peace because I can’t imagine the pain and burden that must inflict on them.

Now I say all this for 2 reasons.

One. Because tomorrow is the 9th anniversary of my wonderful Mum dying.

Two. I recently read an article that brought all this back to me … but through a perspective I’d never considered – the final days of a pet.

As you know, I bloody love my cat Rosie.

She’s basically my first real pet … and while we originally got her to keep Jill happy, she has become a true member of the family.

I’ve turned down jobs because of her.
I’ve started companies to bring in her favourite food for her.
I’ve taken big freelance jobs to aid her movement to new countries for her.

She is very, very special to me.

She is also, very, very old … and while she is generally fit and well … for the last few years I’ve wondered if this is the year we have to say goodbye.

It will happen eventually. I mean she turns 17 this year. SEVENTEEN. And my worst thought is having to one day take her to the vet to put her down.

And despite the lessons I’ve learned from my parents passing, my initial thought was if we had to do that for Rosie, I’d not be able to be there. It would be too hard.

And then I read this.

[Whether a pet owner or not, please read it]

Of course it should have been obvious.

Of course it should never be even a consideration.

But while we treat pets like members of the family, at the worst moment – many of us disassociate ourselves to try and protect ourselves.

Forgetting that at that moment, it isn’t about us – but them.

Yes we will be devastated.
Yes it will be horrific and hard.
But how do we think it is for them?

To face your final moments and not see the person who has been there loving them and looking out for them must be terrifying and confusing. Alone in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar people.

As the article states:

“You have been the centre of their world for THEIR ENTIRE LIVES!!!!”

“90 per cent of owners don’t actually want to be in the room when he injects them so the animal’s last moments are usually them frantically looking around for their owners”.

Frantically looking for their owners.

Take that in.

I don’t imagine its that different for people in their final moments.

They need us. They need us to feel they still have us. That their final moments are with love and not abandonment.

I know it’s hard. I know it’s horrific. But I also know it’s not about us – not really.

So I write this to say that should you be of the opinion you don’t want to be there … that the pain would be too much. Know I sympathise, but also know it won’t nearly be as painful or deep as the knowledge that you weren’t.

Give the people. pets and places you love a hug, call or kiss this weekend.

See you Monday. I hope, ha.

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The Danger Of Winning …

Every year in Nottingham, there’s a fair called Goose Fair.

It’s a big deal … the biggest fair in the city and – I think – the oldest in Europe dating back to something like 1284.

It was one of the highlights of my childhood … originally going with my Dad and then graduating to my mates.

There’s a lot of memories associated with Goose Fair.

From winning my first pet – a goldfish – on the hook-a-duck stall to watching Wayne Green try to calm his hysterical frightened-of-heights girlfriend as the machine broke down with them at the very top through to falling down a hill in mud as my Dad tried to lead us on a shortcut back to the car and errrrm, failed.

I still remember us having to find a bathroom to try and clean ourselves up a bit, hahaha.

But there’s also some specific elements that embody Goose Fair to me …

Silly Rides.
Candy Floss.
Mushy Peas and Mint Sauce.

And then there’s fruit machines.

Fruit machines quickly captured my attention. Not just for their lights and sounds, but the thrill of the gamble.

I was introduced to it when my Dad innocently let me put 2p in a machine when I was very young. It was meant to simply be an introduction to one of the thousands of loud, colourful machines dotted around the fair … but then the worst thing that could happen, happened.

I won.

And so began a love affair with gambling.

Or the thrill of the gamble.

To be honest, this didn’t reveal itself until I was older and working in a pub. Suddenly I had access to these machines and quickly established a relationship with them. And while I never had enough money for it to become a problem, it became a problem.

I would quickly put all my pot washing/bar work weeks wages in them.

15 quid.

15 quid spent in a matter of minutes.

15 quid that I could justify because every now and then – and it was every now and then – I’d win more than I put in.

It was there that I realised I had an addictive personality and while it took me a few months to work out this was not good for me, I am extremely grateful I had both the willpower and stubbornness to stop it before it graduated to something far worse.

Same reason I stopped drinking – even though that was because of a night on a boat to Denmark aged 15 where I got so hammered I vowed I’d never do it again [and didn’t] – and why I never started smoking or trying drugs. In short, my natural disposition is to go ‘all in’ on anything I like … hence food took an unhealthy turn and that’s taken me 53 years to finally deal with it. Or at least get a grip on it.

The reason I say this is that last month I found myself at a Motorway service station at 5 in the morning. I’d just bought myself a breakfast and with a pound coin as change, my attention was caught by the flashing lights of the fruit machine.

For some reason I decided to go and check them out.

My god they’d changed from my day.

More expensive, more complicated, more choices.

But I decided to drop my lonely pound coin in one and see what happened.

And what happened is I won.

A lot.

Over 119 pounds … as you can see from the photo at the top of this post.

That’s a better return than bitcoin.

And while it made me happy, what was even more pleasing was I pressed ‘collect’ and walked away.

No desire to keep going.
No temptation to try another machine.
No trigger to find something else to gamble on.

It was a taste of the thrill without it becoming a need for a thrill.

And while I am under no doubt that my addictive personality is still there – lying in wait to fuck me up, even though these days its attention is about feeding my need and desire for wifi enabled gadget shit or guitars, rather than gambling – it was fun to have a taste of the fruit machine thrill, without needing the gluttony.

That said, I won’t take that for granted. I won’t push my luck.

I know for a fact not everyone is so lucky and there’s no reason why I should be.

Which it’s why it’s worth remembering the cause of addiction is not – as certain right wing press likes to promote – always driven by despair, it can also be ignited by success.

However small, however long ago.

So be nice to those who are in the throws of it, especially given so many in our industry and trying to ignite it, albeit under the guise of language like membership and loyalty.

See you tomorrow for more inspiring posts about the many flaws of humans. I’ve got so many this could be another 18 years of posts, ha.

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Start The Week On A Positive …

I know, the title of this post must freak you out.

Frankly, it freaks me out as well.

Seriously … what is going on?

First I have lost a ton of weight.

Then I have started wearing shoes. AND SOCKS. COLOURFUL SOCKS.

And now I’m being positive? What the absolute fuck?!

The good news is all you have to do is look at the posts of last week and see that my default remains a sentimental, sarcastic, mischievous piece of shit.

Thank God.

But today is about being nice … and let’s face it, we all need it on a Monday.

So as a kid, I grew up watching the TV show, ‘Happy Days‘.

Many of you who read this blog – if there’s any of you – may be too young to know what the hell I’m talking about, but if you recognise the picture at the top of this post, or the name ‘The Fonz’, then that’s what I’m talking about.

While Happy Days was set in the 50’s, it was from America [which immediately made it cool in my eyes] and bridged the gap between kid and adult entertainment.

I used to watch it with my Mum and I still remember one episode where she laughed at a scene in the restaurant to the point tears were rolling from her eyes.

For that alone it would always have a place in my heart … but the reality is, like The Wonder Years that came along later, it was about relationships.

Relationships with family … friends … maturity … individuality … responsibility and life.

Sure, it did all this in a more light hearted, less poignant way than Wonder Years … but it was still there and I loved it.

The reason I am saying this is because of this …

That picture features one of the characters from Happy Days called, Potsie.

He was a funny character … good natured, enthusiastic but also undeniably naive.

Anyway, the photo shows him – aged 73 – getting married.

If that wasn’t lovely enough, he had recently beaten cancer, so it was a double celebration.

But even those 2 pieces of brilliant news aren’t the reason I love this photo so much.

The reason is that the other man in the photo, is his best friend Don Most … who was also his best friend in Happy Days when he played the character Ralph.

This news made me happier than I ever imagined.

Sure, I’m a sentimental old fart … but I was quite emotional reading this.

Maybe it’s because I am about as far away as I have ever been from my best mate, Paul.

Maybe it’s because the conflict in every aspect of life is starting to get me down.

Maybe it’s because it connects me to the times I would watch that show sat next to Mum.

Or maybe it’s just because it’s lovely and reassuring to see that good, gentle and long-lasting things can still happen – but whatever the reason, seeing ‘Potsie’ happy in love, life and health has also made me very happy.

Especially for a Monday, when it’s needed most.

Now let’s hope tomorrow sees me getting back to my usual cynical-bastard-self … because I can’t deal with this sickening level of positivity either.

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The Silver Jubilee Of Sorrow …

So at 10:34 am today, it will be the 25th anniversary of my Dad dying.

25 years since that early Saturday morning call, urging Mum and I to get to the hospital quickly.

25 years since we were rushed straight to his bedside.

25 years since I heard my Mum gently tell him it was OK to go.

25 years since we witnessed his final breath.

25 years since my world shattered.

For the first time.

You’d think that given I’ve lived almost half my life now without him, I’d have come to terms with him being gone.

And on one level I suppose I have.

I certainly don’t carry the same level of pain and loss as I did those first years.

But in some ways, I miss him even more.

Part of this is because the half of my life without him has been the half where so much in my life has happened.

The good, the bad, the weird, the disappointing, the stupid, the wonderful, the unexpected.

Also known as the part of life where a parent discovers if what they did, helped their kids become whoever they want to be.

In my case, I’ve talked a lot about how Dad – and Mum – supported me.

Not financially – because we didn’t have it – but emotionally.

Encouraging. Listening. Enquiring. Advising. Helping.

It’s important I point out they were not some passively-engaged pushovers. Oh no. They were very engaged and any major decision or choice I was considering was always met with a bunch of questions.

But the thing is, these were never to undermine, only to better understand.

For them, the most important thing was to learn what I wanted to do, why I wanted to do it and how I had come to that decision.

That was their only motivation.

But it’s what they did next that – having become older and a Dad myself – I now realise was an act of incredible parenting.

Because if they felt satisfied I’d given real thought to what I wanted to do and really cared about doing it, then – even if they didn’t completely agree with my choices – they would actively encourage my decision.

Said another way … they trusted they’d had given me the skills to make the right decisions and choices that worked for me.

It’s why they supported my decision to not go to university.
It’s why they supported my decision to become a studio musician.
It’s why after Dad had a terrible stroke, they told me to still go to Australia, because they knew if I didn’t go then, I’d likely never leave Nottingham at all.

If anyone can think of a more selfless act of love than that, I’d love to hear it.

Of course they made mistakes.

We had disagreements.

I disappointed them more than a few times.

But if things went wrong with the stuff I was trying to do, they never said, “I told you so”.

All I was ever met with was love and support.

Sure, after some time had passed they may have asked me what I learned from what I did – or didn’t – do.

And occasionally – when Mum was out of earshot – Dad would ask what the hell I had been thinking when something had gone particularly bad/daft … but I was never made to feel I was stupid or had disappointed them, even when I know I probably had disappointed them.

It’s part of the reason I felt such an obligation to make my adventure to Australia count.

There were some tough, horrible times, not helped by the fact Dad was very ill and Mum had had to give up her job to look after him 24/7.

Yet every time I said I’d come home because Dad had got worse or I felt Mum was struggling under the weight of pressure and responsibility, they said [through Mum] “we miss you so much, but we don’t want you to come back until you’re ready and we don’t think you’re ready”.

And as much as I missed them and longed to be with them – and I feel a bit horrified to say this – they were right. I wasn’t ready. Not really. I was exploring and discovering life. Exploring and discovering me … which means they were as correct in their view as they were when they thought if I didn’t go to Australia when I’d originally planned, I’d most likely never leave Nottingham – let alone England.

Not because of guilt or duty, but – as uncool as it may sound – because I loved my parents dearly and never needed much of an excuse to want to be near them.

And despite them knowing this … despite them going through arguably the most challenging time of their life … despite them knowing they would miss me massively … they decided what they wanted wasn’t as important as what they wanted for me.

So with a breathtaking amount of love and sacrifice, they encouraged me to leave my family, my home, my city and my country … believing there was more for me outside of Nottingham than Nottingham offered for me.

Just to be clear, we loved Nottingham.

I loved it as a kid and I still love it now.

But – as my parents suspected – the life I’ve been able to live is a life that is much bigger than the one I’d have probably had if I’d stayed where I was. Especially given where Nottingham – and the UK for that matter – was at that point in time.

I’m not saying it would have been a bad life.
I’m not saying anyone is wrong if they have chosen another option.
But there was obviously a strong desire in me to explore – driven by an Australian woman I’d met – as I spent a year planning the possibilities of the trip before I even broached the subject with Mum and Dad about wanting to go.

And that’s why I felt so strongly that I had to squeeze every possibility out of it when they told me to still go.

In many ways, it was my way of repaying them for the the love and encouragement they’d given – and always given – me, with my bigger life decisions.

My view was that if I was going to be away from my wonderful parents, then the least I could do was to make it something they could feel was worthwhile … and by worthwhile, I mean something that represented living a life of fulfilment.

Now I’ve written a lot about that in the past and now, 25 years later, I hope I have – and continue to – do just that.

I know Dad would have been thrilled I’d lived around the world … found someone who loves me as much as I love them … had experienced the sheer joy of becoming a father myself … of loving Otis with all I’ve got … and, on top of all that, had managed to have and enjoy some sort of career – even though I know he’d have found it utterly, utterly bizarre. [By which I mean he’d have found the job I do bizarre, not that I had managed to have a career]

I admit, when I moved back to the UK after 25+ years away, I did question this. I wondered why I would come ‘home’ when my parents had passed.

But then I remembered they knew I loved them, they knew I was there at their final moments and – at least in Mum’s case – they knew literally everything in my life, except my friendship with Paul, was because of the adventure I went on. The adventure they enabled and encouraged me to do.

And while I would do anything to have just one more day with them both, this lets me feel I made – and am making – the most of it for them.

Not because they wanted that, but because I know they wanted that for me.

So thank you.

Thank you for the stuff you did and the stuff you never even know you did.

Thank you for it all.

Every single thing.

Because it’s no exaggeration to say all I have has something to do with you.

Maybe it was a nod at the right time.

Or a nudge. Or a word of encouragement.

Or the right questions. Or the needed hug.

It all mattered.

It all still matters.

You helped me believe in myself when I didn’t believe in myself.

You still do.

What a gift.

I’ll keep striving to make it all worth while.

For me. But especially for you.

For another 25 years at least.

I miss you Dad. And Mum.

Love you.


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Year In Review Which Only I Will Read Or Care About …

So with all the focus on Otis’ 9th birthday, I only just realized this is going to be the last week of this blog for this year. Which means you get a month off and then – when I come back – I will be entering year number 18 of writing my rubbish.


An adult.

And will my posts reflect that maturity?

Errrrm, probably not.

In fact a while back, I got called ‘immune to maturity’ by Metallica’s management which they quickly followed up with, “… and I bet you think that’s a compliment.”

That’s why we’re still working together after 7 years … we understand each other so well, ha.

2023 has been an interesting year for me.

Definitely more highs than lows.

In many ways, it has been a standout year for me – both personally and professionally.

I feel almost embarrassed to say that. I totally appreciate how many people are suffering right now. I have friends in tough places and there’s those dealing with everything from mental health challenges through to terrifying conflicts … which just reinforced how privileged and lucky I am.

For the first time in my life, I started this year with a resolution, and it was to say ‘yes’ to everything I was asked to do.

I don’t know why I decided to do that – maybe it is because for all of NZ’s magic [of which there’s tons] it can sometimes feel a pretty isolated, inward-focused place – so to counter that, I decided 2023 was the year of yes and I got to do a lot of that.

Saying yes let me travel literally around the world for work … including some countries/cities I’d never been to in my life. [Not to mention, having the gift of visiting my childhood home again, even though I burst into tears when the lovely new owner opened the door, haha]

I got to speak at a bunch of ace conferences. from Cannes – with my mates Paula and Martin – the magnificent State Of Social in Perth right through to the WWD World Fashion Conference in China [with the incredible Phoebe Philo and, bizarrely, being interviewed by Fashion TV] with a whole bunch in-between.

I was a guest speaker at a bunch of institutions from Cambridge University, the Ecuadorian Advertising Federation right through to the House of Prada.

I got to be part of some incredible creative projects. From the huge: helping design the 72 Seasons world tour stage set for Metallica. The cheeky: offering the All Blacks rugby coach a free curry for a year if he brought home the World Cup, then taking away his naan bread because he didn’t. To the most awarded: watching the wonderful fools at Colenso pick up Gold gongs and Agency of the Year title’s all over the place.

Top that off with seeing 3 members of my team become parents for the first time [and another about 3 months into that magical journey] and to see the 3 newbies from overseas not only fit in with the gang like they were here for years, but make an even bigger difference than I hoped – and you can see why I feel it has been a hugely satisfying year for me professionally.

But it’s the personal side that made it truly memorable.

First of all, we’re all happy and healthy. Like properly happy and healthy.

Then, for the first time in 7 years, we had our first proper family holiday. And while It did not last long in terms of duration, the glow still is with me months later. Yes, I appreciate that sounds more sickly than being force fed 5047389 sticks of candyfloss, it’s true.

Jill started her new company, Tiny Riot … a jewellery company dedicated to say the words women feel, but don’t always want to say out loud. She also felt she had found her peeps … letting her feel she was part of a community she loves and thrives in. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me, especially as we know we’ll no doubt be moving to another country in the not too distant future, hahaha.

Just to be clear, that has not been decided yet, we just know it’s coming … especially as we’ve already lived in NZ longer than we have lived in the last 4 countries we have been in. But I digress …

Which leave Otis …

Brilliant, wonderful, fantastic Otis.

Well, he has flourished and blossomed this year.

From seeing his mates network evolve and develop … with their own codes, games and slang … through to watching him throw himself into new activities, like tennis and swimming, yoyo’s and messing about with Roblox, Reels and video games … to seeing him love his budgie, Sky [which he made me a t-shirt to wear on the Cannes stage to ensure I admitted I cared for it as much as Rosie, ha] and then of course, watching him deal with his dysgraphia diagnosis with positivity, openness and conviction.

Given I have seen adults literally burst into tears when they had to move desks at work – true story – seeing an 8, now 9 year old – embrace a challenge that will affect him for the rest of his life with understanding, openness and a desire to not let it define him or make excuses for him is honestly one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing.

[I also have to add Forest staying in the Premiership was a highlight, because while Jill and Otis may not like to hear it … that team are family to me, hahaha]

But of course, you can’t have good without bad and there’s been a couple of things that have shaken me deeply.

One in particular made me question everything I thought I knew and could rely on.

The impact it had on me was – and still is – huge. I would say it has been the most emotionally confronting situation I’ve experienced since my parents died. It has been that big.

What makes it even worse is that in reality, I may never really get over it as the impact affects me and my family for the rest of our lives.

And we’re the least affected in this situation.

It has taken me months to try and come to terms with what has happened … to try and accept things I thought I knew and could rely on, have failed.

If truth be told, I’m still working on it … because while I appreciate life can take unexpected turns, it’s why – and how others deal with it – that determines how you feel about it and in this case, they are the things that ended up being disastrously dealt with.

Which is why 2023 can never be seen as a spectacular year for us, merely a very good one.

And as I said, that is still a hugely positive outcome given so many are suffering in ways that make my pain seem insignificant.

Which is why I was so impacted by some graffiti that someone I vaguely know, told me about.

It’s this …

… they’re not wrong.

Which is why, while I know 2024 will face it’s challenges – especially with the US election and the likelihood America will lose its mind and vote for Trump [while acknowledging the Democrats have failed to find and develop a single worthy candidate in 4+ years] – I hope by this time next year, more people can say they had a more positive than challenging year because the World needs it. Because for all the hell that Covid subjected the planet too, the anxiety created by people [read: old, white men] who feel entitled to do and have whatever they want is arguably, even worse. And without wanting to sound like a hippie … some peace would be nice.

I know no one will have read this far, but then this is not for you … but I can assure you the last 3 posts of this week won’t be as indulgent, not for your sanity, but because I can’t be arsed to write so much rubbish again.

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