The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Barbie Goes Bad …
February 17, 2009, 6:58 am
Filed under: Comment

Barbie is obviously looking to expand its customer base given they are facing increased competition from children’s distractions like Bratz and crack cocaine.

After having done tie-ins with MAC Cosmetics, it would seem they have decided to appeal to a radical new consumer segment – men. Or more specifically, men with a ‘mature woman’ complex.

[Bet you’ve already got yours haven’t you Billy?]

What this will do to the people/organisations who claim Barbie reinforces negative gender stereotypes is anyones guess, ha!

Anyway, sit back and enjoy – and if you’re a lawyer from Mattel – it’s a bloody joke!

February 16, 2009, 6:49 am
Filed under: Advertising [Planning] School On The Web

… returns soon.

And this time it’s about how you can turn post rationalisation into a compelling argument for a conservative brand to do something fresh and new. [Hopefully] Details in two weeks.

Comments Off on A[P]SOTW …

And They Say Romance Is Dead …
February 16, 2009, 6:00 am
Filed under: Comment

I’ve always been of the belief that Valentine’s day is more about fear than love – but putting that aside – I’ve noticed more and more companies are trying to expand who is ‘eligible’ for a Valentine’s Day gift in what can only be described as a desperate attempt to exploit more cash out of down-trodden, fear-ridden men.

Maybe I’m a traditionalist, but I’ve always regarded Feb 14th as a day you send a message of love to your significant other, even if she doesn’t know it yet … it certainly doesn’t include your Mother!!!

Besides, isn’t that what Mothers Day is for?

In all seriousness, I am of the belief that you should show your feelings every day, not on a designated date that has been corporately sponsored – however I recently saw an ad that makes me feel I am either …

1/ Totally out of touch
2/ A tight bastard
3/ About as romantic as an Aussie
4/ All of the above

Nice eh?

To be honest, I almost admire their honesty … but lets face it, there are Arnie movies that are more romantic!

Saying that, this ad actually conveys quite a few Asian cultural traits …

1/ The acknowledgement of ‘mistress’ demonstrates that across Asia, there is quite a prevalent ‘2nd wife’ attitude/habit.

2/ The fact the Mother’s ring is big [but not quite as big as the mistresses] – and placed higher than the wife – explains how many Asian men view the pampering nature of their Mothers as being of higher value than the loving [but perceived ‘demanding nature’] of their wives.

3/ The wife being placed at the bottom of the group represents how many Asian men regard their wives at the bottom rung of importance – less than their career, children, parents and mistress.

4/ The flamboyance of the ‘wife ring’ shows how many men regard their wives as a ‘possession’ … a possession that should be used to create an image to the outside World of a caring, generous and wealthy man.

Of course I’m generalising and I accept there are many Western men who probably share the same thinking/attitudes as the ones I’ve described, but whereas in the West we would hide these sides of us, in much of Asia it is shouted loud and proud – not because the people here are insensitive pigs [though some definitely are] but because for many, this is just part of how life is.

So if any of you are working on ‘global brand campaigns’ [which given the economy is VERY unlikely] remember we might all be part of the same World, but there are cultural differences that mean we are almost on a different Planet.

Finally, for any guy who reads this blog – if you have wives/girlfriends who complained about the poxy flower you bought /stole out of a garden for her – point her to this post and explain why she’s never had it so good, ha!

And Newcastle Fans Thought They Were Unlucky When They Got Joe Kinnear As Manager …
February 13, 2009, 6:00 am
Filed under: Comment

Bummed to death?


I tell you, the Financial Times has really gone down market these days hasn’t it!

A Touch Too Much …
February 12, 2009, 7:16 am
Filed under: Comment

Got home to find my wife had dyed her hair …

Apparently she wanted this …

Photo: Digikuva

… but I’ve ended up living with someone who has this …

Photo: Val W

The interesting thing is she’s almost trying to force herself to like it.

Not because she can’t make it darker, but because she’s worried her shock has more to do with what she has been subliminally influenced to regard as ‘acceptable’ rather than what she actually likes.

Which got me thinking …

Whilst hair colouring companies produce a vast range of shades, I would imagine the majority of their sales come from a relatively small group of colours.

The thing is, despite women placing a disproportionate level of importance on their hair [yes, I know some men can be like that as well, but women regard their hair almost like a ‘public barometer’ of their mood/attitude/health] I know there is a great desire to ‘experiment’ interms of styles and colours … so why don’t they sell ‘shade braver’ kits which are basically a slightly more intense colour to their usual/popular shades but with an additional treatment that allows women to ‘downgrade’ if they find the colour too potent for their tastes?

Yes I know this would lead to the product being more expensive, but I genuinely think many women would pay a premium for it, because the idea of being able to experiment with colour is great as long as there’s the ‘safety net’ of getting it back to what they’re comfortable with if they change their mind. [And let’s face it, all women change their minds don’t they? Ha!]

To be honest I have no idea if there are products that allow you to reduce colour potency – hell, I can’t even remember what it’s like to have hair on your head – but given it is human nature to try and fit in [despite having a desire to stand out] I think brands can ‘encourage’ change without expecting their customers to simply let go of everything they are comfortable with.

By all means say I’m wrong – I might be – but if I am, you have to blame Dodds as well, because a while back he brought an ad to my attention that seemed to have the same insight but ultimately didn’t come through in the execution – both interms of the ad and the product.